Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have to say

I'm so sorry but I guess it is so. I have had to take quite the break, as I do play in my craftroom daily and I miss the fact that I have still never got quite as involved as I have always wanted to. The future is looking bright and maybe a little more heart can be given to being the cardmaker that I truley know that I am. Please be patient because I haven't given up, so don't give up on me, I am still here and I play daily staying up with whats current and keeping supplies current, maybe I come back wide open and blow this blog out, hehe. God Bless and keep me in your prayers as I do the crafty little world. Bye for now as I said, I'm keepimg up with you all just silently. By the time I'm ready to post pictures there will probably not be enough blog space here, can that happen?? oh well..Later my crafty friends.Lasona

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