Friday, May 29, 2009

progress is getting made

Well, I have got to play in my craft room but I'm so stuck on getting some new dsp and other goodies that I can't get my mind into create mode..Just got to have some new stuff to play with, and my hubby says, well you still got stuff in there you haven't even opened yet, and I say, but I will, right now I just got to have this though, hehe, i win, of course so soon as I can I'm off to the craft store,yippee..Anyhows I have been playin, but I don't have the get up and go to go into detail on these pics now, but I have used my cricuit, scs resources, and other ideas from blog hoppin and these are quite the combo so here they are, I've also added a few of my veggies that are in my garden... God bless you all and Bless Our Troops

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